Arabic Islamic Learners

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  The Importance Of Learning 
The Arabic Language











Arabic and the



message of the Qur’an cannot be separated and translators throughout the ages have tried to convey to

the non-Arabic speaking people the beauty of the meaning of the Qur’an but have always called it ‘The translation of

 the meaning of the Qur’an’, emphasising the fact that the Qur’an’s direct translation is not possible,

 because so much of the potency and splendour of the words and their meanings which are inextricably linked to

 the Arabic language are lost in English or any other language.


Indeed to even

 appreciate the poetic beauty of the Qur’an one needs to have an understanding of Arabic.

Remember that for the Arabs in the time of the Prophet (SAW) who were masters of eloquence and poetry,

 the words of the Qur’an itself were so unique compared to the poetry of the most eloquent of them

that many came to Islam recognising that the Qur’an could not be the handiwork of even the best human poet,

 rather it could only come from Allah. The language itself was one of the miracles of the Qur’an. Allah challenges mankind:

"And if you are in doubt about what we have sent down to our servant, then produce a chapter like it and call

your witnesses besides Allah if you are truthful. But if you do not do it, and you can never do it,

then fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers”

(Surah Baqarah, aayaat 23-24)

The Preservation of the Arabic Language

Languages usually evolve. Just look at the difference between Shakespearean English and modern day English.

In many ways they seem like two totally different languages and a man from England in Shakespearean times

 and a man from modern day England would find it extremely difficult to communicate! But the Arabic language

 is not just ‘a language’.

This is why the Sahabah and the early generations of Muslims strove to preserve

 the classical Arabic language.

It was Ali (radi allaahu ‘anhu) who noticed on the tongues of some of

 the Arabs a slight change in dialect and ordered for the grammar rules of Arabic to be recorded

in a universal form. He knew that the preservation of the Arabic language was part of the preservation of Islam itself.

Arabic unified the Muslim countries as it spread to every land that embraced Islam. This is why it is seen that those

 Muslim societies that are ignorant of Arabic are in general less knowledgeable about Islam.

This ignorance has in turn made them more prone to stray from the straight path.

Practical steps towards learning Arabic

Alhamdulillah with all the teaching aids and easy access to information

 that we have, learning Arabic does not necessarily

 mean travelling on arduous journeys to distant lands as it once used to.

With discipline and commitment, the student can study much in his own time

Here are some tips to help you along they way:
Make Du’a: As with everything we work towards, we should ask Allah to help us and make learning easy for u. 

 We should ask Allah to purify our intentions so that we truly learn Arabic for the better understanding of the Qur’an and deen:  


  Discipline yourself! Put a set amount of time aside every day or twice a week for your Arabic studies and stick to it.

Remember a little study regularly is better than hours of study once a month.

Know your basics well: going step by step is the best way to master any language,

concentrating on improving your basic reading and writing is the first step in learning Arabic,

even if it is repetitive. Then you can build on that firm foundation.

Invest in a good dictionary and Arabic books: A good dictionary is the Hans Wehr or Al-Mawrid dictionary,

available in most Muslim bookshops and on the Internet too! Arabic words are usually

arranged under their three letter roots. Get used to looking up words often and

compile your own personal vocabulary dictionary. Some good three-book sets you can start

working through are the three Madinah university books or the Kitaab-ul Asaasi books.


 Enrol into a summer course: There are a few around every summer and they are a great way

to kick-start your learning. They can be quite intensive so remember to revise and keep up your study afterwards.

Study Arabic as part of your full-time degree: If you are going to study a degree,

why not study a degree in Arabic or one with Arabic as part of it?

Study under an Arab friend or tutor: The importance of a good teacher cannot be stressed enough.

 Although there is a lot of self-study involved, a friend who knows Arabic or an Arab brother or sister

who you could go to regularly for guidance would be very valuable.

You could even start going through your Arabic books with them.

This book (arabic in 10 minutes aday )




for more arabic books

 Organise a class locally: There must be like-minded Muslims in your area who would like

to study Arabic too. Maybe you could get together and pay for a teacher to teach you Arabic

together at the local Masjid or in one of your homes. Studying with friends is a good way to stay motivated.

Study abroad in an Arab country: there are various good courses running in countries

such as Egypt which really speed up your learning and can provide you with a nice experience.

People have found that a few months in an Arab country can be more beneficial than a year or more

of studying at home. Make sure you keep up your studying when you get back though!

 Expose yourself to as much Arabic as you can: You can listen to Arabic lecture tapes,

visit Muslim countries, read some Arabic everyday, and maybe get

 an Arab newspaper when you become more proficient.

Speak Arabic whenever you can: One of the biggest obstacles to speaking Arabic is

 being shy about making mistakes in speech and so not speaking at all. You must overcome

this shyness and use whatever you know whenever you can. This is how you will eventually

improve insha Allah. Maybe you could meet some Arab brothers or sisters who only speak Arabic.

This way you’ll be forced to speak what you know and they’ll be pleased that you’re making the effort.

Relate your knowledge back to the Qur’an and other worships: Don’t forget that your aim is

to understand what you recite of the Qur’an especially in your salaah and other adhkaar.

Try to recognise Arabic words as you come across them in the Qur’an and apply your knowledge

in understanding the Qur’an. Ponder over and pay attention to the words in your salaah.
May Allah help us all to master the language of the Qur’an and to aid its spread throughout the Ummah
















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